Odor Monitoring

Odor Pollution can originate from sources like animal rearing, landfills, and industries, impacts health and well-being. ENVIPRO monitoring systems detect harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and VOCs, aiding in timely issue resolution. We provide advanced instruments for diagnosing and monitoring odors in real-time, with integrated software for efficient management.

Odor Monitoring

Pollutants We Monitor


  • Automated Continuous Analysis of Odorous Sulphur Compounds

  • Handheld Odor Meter

  • Real Time H2S & NH3 Monitoring Station

  • Measurement of odor coupled with Physio-Chemical analysis of specific compounds (H2S, NH3) and chemical groups (VOCs, Mercaptans)

  • Pollutant Gases: H2S, NH3, Mercaptans, VOC

  • Quantification: Odor Unit E/m3

Kunak AIR